17 June 2010

Polarity Revealed

The UK Polarity Therapy association have an active counsel working for the good health of Polarity in the UK. Life Polarities appear in many places, if you come across links that you feel would be appropriate for the ‘Polarity Revealed’ section of http://www.polaritytherapy.org.uk/ then let one of the Counsel know and we will post the link. Use the comment area if required. Or use Facebook

Water is the buzz

Water is wellness

Some useful reading that has been mentioned on our ‘Newsletter’ is a book by Barbara Wren called Cellular Awakening, this book covers an angle on water intake and ‘cellular transfer that is quite enlightening as to the true effects of water on our human body and it’s need to stay hydrated at all times, I believe that the majority of us have adapted or switched of our input signals for thirst and are therefore running on low levels of water, a level that can and does cause the body to react, which is a problem we call illness / pain or disease.

Re-hydrating the body is not a quick process, not over night anyway, as water retention, muscle soreness, digestive complications and more do take a little while to correct themselves, even when the intake is brought up to normal, normal being slightly different for all. Some people are so removed from drinking water they do not even like the taste, all we can do is point clients in the direction of re-hydrating their body.

We are all in the business of working for the positive mental attitude, so thinking of a hydrated body being capable of being positive about their health, as water allows the ideal charge in the body to be positive, lightening is an example of Polarity in nature, a water filled cloud builds up a positive charge, and when the moment of capacity is reached there is a discharge to Earth the negative pole, a spectacular an awesome sight, but one to respect, so drink, but we do mean water.

web: www.ukpta.org.uk

1 June 2010

Moving Times - Pole to Pole

Hi, Letting you know that the Polarity Counsel has completed phase one of the new Website www.ukpta.org.uk            take a look, it is full of all the general information on Polarity in the UK and much more, it is a very useful site for finding details on Practitioners in your area, and if you are a Practitioner, a chance to get in touch with those around you.

There are Local Polarity Groups in the South West and South East to join in with to keep in touch.
When looking at the website go to Polarity Revealed, which carries good information where Polarity appears in life situations.

Contact:  info@ukpta.org.uk

web: www.ukpta.org.uk